Deliver Your Message To Your Decisionmakers

Direct-to-Target Advertising

What We Do

Reach The People Who Matter

Pinpoint Targeting is a digital advertising solution that delivers your content exclusively to your decisionmaker’s screens – and their influencers’ screens – seven times per week.

We do this by direct-matching each decisionmaker and influencer, to their phone, computer, tablet, and TV, and then delivering your message solely to their devices.

How it Works

1. Match Audience

We match your audience to their digital devices, media platforms, and online channels.

2. Message Delivery

We deliver your content directly to your audiences’ devices 7+ times per week.

3. Decisionmaker Analytics

We provide you with granular analytics that shows who is engaging with which content.

The Pinpoint Difference


No More Black Box List of Influencers.
Know Exactly Who Is Seeing Your Ads.

Push-Button Easy

Tell Us Who.
We Do The Rest.

Decisionmaker Insights

Understand Which Messages Move Your Decisionmakers.