
Advertise Directly To Providers

Sell directly to medical providers with Pinpoint Targeting’s multi-device, multichannel, high-frequency advertising.

Doctor holding clipboard

Our Solution

Cut through the clutter to deliver your message directly to your provider’s screens from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep.

Advertise exclusively to your providers…
no one else

Your message reaches providers on multiple devices and platforms

We show your content to providers daily so it sticks

Lab technician placing vials of liquid in a stand

Client Case Study

Use Case:
A genomics company wanted to increase their sales of a specific medical test among specialized physicians in the U.S. They knew exactly who they wanted to reach to increase sales (since only medical providers were authorized to purchase it.)

Our solution reached +90% of the doctors on their list, serving up the brand’s message +20 times per month. The message was only served to doctors on their list, utilizing ad dollars more efficiently with little to no waste.

Campaigns start at $16,000 for three months.

Contact us today to get a quote.